"Never underestimate that a small group of committed friends can change the world. Indeed it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead

The first step to addressing human trafficking is to know and understand it. We encourage you to educate yourself by undertaking our NCEA study, research human trafficking on your own and learn about the laws, systems, perpetrators and victims involved. 

 We encourage you to be proactive with what you discover. You could think about raising awareness through hosting an event, advocating for victims or partnering with an organisation working on the front lines - see the list of organisations at the bottom of our Resources page who you can contact.

When the research on labour exploitation is completed at the end of 2016, you can join us in making sure that the report and recommendations are implemented by the New Zealand government and civil society.

We believe the best way to make a difference is to band together as a united front to fight this injustice. Check out our starfish story below – an adaptation of Loren Eiseley's The Star Thrower. We use this to explain how the HUGE complex issue of human trafficking can be eliminated if people work together and commit to the cause.